Distributed by Diffusione Tessile S.r.l., with registered offices in Cavriago, Reggio Emilia (Italy), Via Santi no 8, 42025
Silk twill foulard
  Eyewear, Accessories, Bags, Belts, Gloves and hats, Hosiery, Jewelry,
Printed silk twill foulard.
- 100% silk.
- The measurements of the scarf are: Length 65 cm and Height 65 cm.
Product name: COLLANA
Product code: 8542092905004
Product code: 8542092905004
Contact us for more information
Distributed by Diffusione Tessile S.r.l., with registered offices in Cavriago, Reggio Emilia (Italy), Via Santi no 8, 42025